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Why Would Anyone Want To Use Google Ads?

Because There Is No Better Way To Get Leads & Sales Than Using Google Ads!



Because There Is No Better Way To Get Leads & Sales Than Using Google Ads!

I personally don't know of any marketing platform out there where you can launch a campaign and start getting leads on that same day!

Steve Osborne - Google Ads Specialist

There are lots of people out there who would argue against Google Ads.... Saying "I've tried Google Ads before and wasted a lot of money without getting any results."

Well that's probably true of those people ... Then again there's lots of people out there who say "I've tried that _______ diet before and I didn't lose a pound!"

The truth always lies somewhere in the details...

They may have tried the diet, but did they STICK TO THE PROGRAM?

Let's go back to the answer of our question - As it's quite a bold statement indeed!

"There Is No Better Way To Get Leads & Sales Than Using Google Ads!"

When thinking about generating leads and sales I like to look "back in time" to what I called SPAGHETTI MARKETING - Also known as "Traditional Marketing"

Traditional marketing is much like Spaghetti, you create an expensive array of marketing (i.e. Print ads, Radio, TV, Trade Shows etc...) and to test it, like spaghetti, you throw it all up on the wall to see which one sticks and discard the ones that did not. NOT GOOD ROI...

Back in the Day

Before Google Ads were an option, people tried to generate leads and sales through a multitude of mediums (Many still rely on these methods today).

The approach was: Use as many of these options as they could afford, to push their offering out to the widest possible reach, in hopes that someone would be interested in their offering and would reach out to them. NOT GOOD ROI...

Then came along Google Ads & turned Everything Upside Down!

Google has revolutionized how people find services and make purchases today.


Just think about how Google Ads work...

- We decide the keywords that we want to be found for, based on our understanding of our   service/offering in the marketplace
- We define the geographic locations where we want our Ads to show
- When someone searches on Google for our keywords, in our targeted area, our Ads show up!
- We don't even pay Google to show our Ads
- When an interested prospect clicks on our Ads, they come directly to our website.
- We now have a live prospect viewing our site who is either:

Ready to Buy
Researching to Buy

All we need to do is take advantage of that opportunity and motivate the visitor to take the next step..... And that next step will be different for every organization, including

Make a purchase
Request a quote
Call for more info
Download more info
Register for an event

All the same desired responses that we were trying to attract with our


If you're ready to learn How To Make Google Ads Really Work...Without Wasting Time & Your Marketing Budget...Claim Your Spot & Enroll in this Free 50 Minute Masterclass.

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